During a recent Worth County Board of Commissioners meeting, Zoning Administrator Ed Parsons joined Ryan Sanders in addressing the board about a possible Solar Farm in Worth County. Sanders is a representative of Beltline Energy, a solar project development firm based in Atlanta that specializes in the building, construction, and management of solar power infrastructure projects. Beltline Energy focuses on delivering cost beneficial clean energy and will have a 20 year contract with Georgia Power.
The Solar Farm will extend the tax base for Worth County annually. Sanders explained the farm is a 4.1 million dollar investment. If the farm is built in Worth County, the school system would be able to use it as an educational field trip. Sanders would visit a classroom for about 30 minutes, teaching them about solar farms and then students could visit the farm for about 30 minutes.
Bozeman made a motion to move forward with the project. Hall seconded the motion and all other members agreed.