15 Years Ago – December 6, 2000
Worth County school system “Teachers of the Year” for 2000-2001 term were Miss Amy Fowler of Worth County High School, Mrs. Jana Beanblossom of Worth County Middle School, Mrs. Marilyn Herring of Holley Elementary School, Mrs. Melanie Newton of Sylvester Elementary School and Mrs. Sunnie Irvin of Worth County Primary School.
Members of the First Baptist Church took part in a recent dedication service of the new First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall on the southeast side of the main building. The Rev. Tom Jacobs is pastor.
Alan Kimbro, who has served as Worth County School Superintendent for the past eight years, announced his retirement effective at the end of this year.
Georgia High School Association Class AAAA Best Actress is Beth Tracy, a senior at Worth County High School.
30 Years Ago – December 5, 1985
Jimmy Hightower, Head Football Coach at Georgia Southwestern College, will be the guest speaker at the annual Rams Football Banquet this Monday night at the Worth County High School Cafeteria.
Worth County Registrar’s office has a new registrar, he is Lamar Whittle, whose effective date of appointment was November 21.
Worth County High School VICA Club elected the following officers for this year. They are: David Accord, president; Terri Purifoy, vice president; Michelle Pate, secretary; Curt Moree, treasurer; Charlotte Rooks, reporter; and Chris Brown, parliamentarian.
Glenda Lindsey of worth County, a diesel mechanic major at Moultrie Vocational-Technical School, has been named to the Director’s List, along with 54 other students, according to Jack Gay, Director of the school.
Marine PFC Dennise W. Slaughter, a 1985 graduate of Worth County High School, has been promoted to his present rank while serving at Marine Corps Ground Combat Center in California.
45 Years Ago – December 10, 1970
An organizational meeting of the SOWEGA Independent Agents Association was held at the Club in Albany on December 3. Tommy Bozeman of Sylvester was elected president, and Herbert Floyd also of Sylvester was elected secretary-treasurer.
The Farmer’s Mutual Exchange of Sylvester which is now operating out of larger, brand-new quarters on the Ashburn will dedicate its new facilities Thursday, December 10, according to Franklin Hobby, manager.
The Georgia Peanut Commission has announced that J. R. Odom of Sylvester has been appointed to the post of vice chairman and will serve in that capacity.
Karen Hiesler of Sylvester, was one of twelve finalist in the annual Tau Kappa Epsilon Calendar Girl Contest, held Monday at the Fine Arts Building at Valdosta State College. Karen and the other 11 will represent the 12 months of the year.
60 Years Ago – December 1, 1955
Worth County cotton growers have an important decision to make on December 13, L. L. Mauldin, chairman of the Agricultural Stabilization Conservation Committee, reminds farmer that they will vote in a referendum to decide whether marketing quotas will be in effect for their 1956 upland cotton crop.
A Worth County Credit Bureau was organized Tuesday night with the election of Charles Tipton as president and Mrs. Ben Crumbley, secretary-manager. Warren Bridges was elected vice and eight directors were named by the president. They are: Cecil Lumpkin, James Rouse, Mrs. H. B. Park, Dr. Torn Sutton, Ben Crumbley, H., L. Simpson, W. H. Hawkins and Franklin Snipes.
Sergeant First Class William J. Burge of Sumner is assigned to the Aggressor Force in Exercise Sage Brush, the largest joint Army-Air Force maneuver since World War II, now being held in Louisiana.
Miss Grace Porter of the Sylvester B&PW Club has been elected chairman of the District 2, Georgia Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs. Inc.
100 Years Ago – December 10, 1915
Maybe by next season the flour mill at Poulan will be in good shape, at present it seems that there is something short as it takes 200 pounds of wheat to net 50 pounds of flour in grinding, it turns too much to brand.
Among those from here attending “The Prince of Pilsen” in Albany Tuesday night were Misses Mamie Perry, Ethel Morse, and Lallie Ford, Messrs. Edgar Forehand, Charlie Hillhouse, Maurice Majors and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hillhouse.
There will be an entertainment given by pupils of Minton High School Thursday evening, December 16th at 7 o’clockfor benefit of the school. The public is cordially invited. The admission is ten and fifteen cents.
The Civic Improvement Club met and elected officers: Mrs. J. B. Williamson, president; Mrs. R. A. Holmes, vice president; Mrs. G. R. Durden, secretary; Mrs. W. H. Westberry, treasurer; Mrs. J. S. O’Sheal, corresponding secretary and Mrs. Clifford Grubbs, reporter.