Two members of Unity Baptist Church, Destiny Allen and Ryan Hickox, have the opportunity to go to Botswana, Africa on a mission trip this summer. They will be there for a month from May 27th to June 26th tending to the Lord’s work.
In fundraising for their trip, they are having a yard sale on March 7th at Unity Baptist Church, 101 East Bryant Drive, Sylvester. Also, they are collecting aluminum cans to recycle. In addition, they will also be hosting a church co-ed softball tournament on May 9th at the Worth County Rec Fields. This tournament will help fund a major part of their trip. They are looking to fill an 8 team tournament bracket at just $20 per person, per team.
There will be concessions along with the games. If you do not wish to play but still wish to help, volunteers are still need in score keeping, registration and umpires. All of the proceeds will go to paying for the cost of the mission trip to Africa.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ryan Hickox at: or you may email the church at:
Thank you and God bless you for your support!