Ruth’s Cottage and the Patticake House, a domestic violence prevention and child advocacy program, announced on Tuesday, February 17, that they hired a manager for their Ruth’s Cottage Emergency Shelter for survivors of family violence.
Ms. Sharon Pilkinton began work on February 16. She is a native of Jonesboro, Georgia. However, she has lived in Turner County for over 26 years. Ms. Pilkinton earned her Bachelors of Education degree from Georgia Southwestern, and both her Masters and Education Specialist degrees from Valdosta State University. After working in education for 18 years, Ms. Pilkinton will be using her knowledge, management, supervision, and training skills on behalf of women and children survivors of family violence.
For more information on the programs and services of Ruth’s Cottage and the Patticake House, or to learn how you can help support the organization through volunteering or donations, call 387-9697.
The new manager also encourages all local church clergy to register for free training on February 26. There is no charge and lunch is provided. From 11:30 to 1:30, the audience will hear from an expert in family violence who is also a Baptist minister. Mike Mertz is also a survivor of family violence that he experienced as a child, and he is uniquely suited to provide this type of training.
Next to law enforcement, churches are the next place to whom those who are victims of family violence will turn. Please encourage your church and lay leaders to register and attend!