15 Years Ago – November 28, 2000
Worth County coaching legend Margie York was recently inducted into the Thomasville- Thomas County Sports Hall of Fame during the 7th Annual Thomasville-Thomas County Hall of Fame Awards Banquet in Thomasville. The 1977 Worth County High School graduate was an all- around athletic competitor who excelled in basketball.
Worth County Primary Principal Mrs. Julie Sumner received the second Georgia School Bell Award during the recent session of Georgia Association of Elementary School Principals. The school won the award for its Outdoor Classroom Project which is chaired by Mrs. Mary Beth Cary.
Eight wrestlers from Worth, Irwin and Cook Counties competed in the third Annual National High School Coaches Association Wrestling. Tournament. Worth County Middle School eighth grader Joey Knox was the National Champion at 125 pounds.
Thomas Jolly of Worth County was named the Conservationalist of the Year by the Middle South Georgia Soil and Water Conservation District.
30 Years Ago – November 28, 1985
Four Future Farmers of America from Worth County High School attended the National FFA Convention in Kansas City last week. They were: Reid Merritt, Chris Young, Jimbo Coleman and Joseph Sledge.
Worth County High School students compete in Academic Bowl at Albany Junior College. Those participating were Dan DeGuire, David Latimer, Dwayne Mathis, Mike Harris, Ed Thomas and Tom McKlin. The team is sponsored by Alan Grimsley, Sr.
Named as a members of the Valdosta State College Homecoming Court was Kelly Mitchell from Sylvester.
Arlin Davis has been named the 1985 Soil and Water Conservationist of the Year in Worth County. He was selected along with farmers from eight other counties by the Middle South Georgia Sail and Water District Board of Supervisors.
Four members of the Worth County Junior High School Alpha Chi Co-Ed Club attended a Washington Seminar in Washington, D.C., Oct. 26-30. They were: Genia Douthit, Mabre Haskins, Randy Hufstetler, Ashley King, and Miss Pam McDonald, chaperone.
45 Years Ago – December 3, 1970
Mike Sumner of Worth County wins National 4-H Honor. Mike, a freshman at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, took top honors in conservation of natural resourses and received the scholarship of $600 from the 4-H project donor, the John Deere Company.
Roy Palmer, district superintendent for the Mitchell County electric Membership Corp., and T. V. Jenkins of Worth County, a director of the organization, will be among 300 rural electric officials form Georgia attending the meeting of Georgia Electric Membership Corp. In Atlanta.
Poulan Fire Chief John Merritt, along with Tom Branch, Gene Nelms and Donald DuBois were shown inspecting the new fire truck just delivered. The new truck was purchased at a price of $18,948.
Seven members are chosen for Hospital Corporation Board by the Worth County Hospital Authority to construct new hospital. They are James Rouse, Joe Bishop, George I. Martin, Nick Reynolds, Charles Srangward, Dr. J. L. Tracy, and Ridley Monk.
60 Years Ago – November 24, 1955
D. Brown, a graduate of the University of Georgia, assumed his duties this week as the new Worth County Agricultural Agent. He succeeds Grady Phillips who recently resigned.
According to J. M. Thomas, manager for Southern Bell Telephone Company,, a new rural telephone project to serve the Red Rock area is now in the process of completion. The cost of serving this area is in excess of $10,000 and will consist of 27 telephones in the area.
Merchants and other business people of Sylvester and Worth County were invited to a meeting at the courthouse on November 25 for thepurpose of establishing a Credit Bureau for Worth County.
Patty Holton, a junior at Sylvester High School, has recently been voted Chapter Sweetheart of the Sylvester FFA Chapter. She is a member of the FHA, Junior Tri-Hi-Y and Visual Aids Club.
Cadet Warren L. Camp of Sylvester has been elected vice president of the North Georgia College ROTC Battalion Non-Commissioned Officers Club.
100 Years Ago – December 3, 1915
Mr. W. E. Christie, of the Department of Commerce and Labor, was in our office last Wednesday on his return from an inspection of the Poulan Cotton Mills and stated to our reporter that he found the mill living up to the requirements of the law. While in the city Mr. Christie made an inspection of the places that employ ladies.
Forrest & Banks 9 day sale was advertising overalls at 75 cents each, shirts at 39 cents, men’s jean pants 89 cents a pair and ladies Vici, Plain or Cap Toe Shoes, size 3 to 8, $1.29 a pair.
Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Sikes, Mrs. W. C. Combs, Mr. W. B. Sams and Misses Lucy Sams and
Gladys Sikes spent Tuesday afternoon in Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Durden, and Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Nelson and Misses Julie Nelson and Louise Smith spent last Thursday in Ty Ty.