House Bill 91 is now in effect for all current and former Worth County High School students who did not or potentially would not receive a high school diploma because they did not pass the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT). The bill, signed by the governor on March 30, is a retroactive policy that will enable all students who attended Worth County dating back to the test’s inception in 1981 (if the student successfully fulfilled all other requirements but did not pass the graduation test) to reapply for their diploma.
Worth County Schools Superintendent Kay Mathews says the bill is a move in the right direction because the previous standard was unfair to students who otherwise did well and tried hard, but were unable to graduate with their class because they may not have been good at taking tests, or they may not have been taught certain science or social studies terminology specific to the test. Students who meet all other graduation requirements will be awarded a diploma from Worth County High School noting the correct year that they should have graduated.
The Sylvester Local received notice of the implementation of this bill two weeks ago when the board of education submitted a public notice that is mandated by the state to run in the county’s legal organ (The Sylvester Local News) for the next few years. Worth Schools Curriculum Director Dr. Amy Chafin says approximately 12 former students have already submitted the petition in an effort to gain their diploma.
Anyone interested in reapplying for his or her diploma should contact the guidance counselors at Worth County High School at 777-8432. Dr. Chafin assures that the counselors are evaluating all petitions as quickly as possible. However, they must confirm that all other standards were met before the diploma will be awarded.
Furthermore, the local school board is expected to award the greatest number of diplomas during their upcoming May and June regular meetings. However, Dr. Chafin says a former student who believes he is eligable can petition to receive a diploma at any time. She also mentions that while some seniors have already taken the exam this year, their scores will not factor into their ability to graduate, but current still will continue taking the Georgia Milestones End of Course Assessments.
For more information, see the ad below for HB 91.